Thursday, March 27, 2014

Plan of Attack

Here is my plan of attack over the next 8 weeks!!!

Lots of This


I am at my long run of 8 miles coming up this week. Last week while running 7 I thought I was effing nuts for doing this once again!! But man it felt good!!

Lots Of This
Clean, clean, clean. Obviously this is not my pic :) Sooo the chocolate on the bottom will most likely not be my friend. I am just really concentrating on whole clean foods!! And logging, logging, logging. I want to win some free shenanigans from Mama Laughlin!!
Definitely some of this
I love, love, love me some Body Pump. I swear by it and swear it was the reason I am where I am today. I am taking on the challenge of going HEAVY and it hurts soooo good! I pump 2X a week and it makes me happy every time.
And still, none of this
I had to weigh in for Mama Laughlin's challenge and well of course it ruined my day. 172 :( Boooo. My lowest weight yet has been 162 and that was right before my half in December. So no getting on that damn scale. I am only weighing in 4 weeks and then at the end of the challenge!!
Here we go!!




Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Some bloggity updates!

Still having a hard time staying on top of this blog writing. I do really well for awhile and then fall off the wagon and it gets swept under the rug with my crazy schedule. Some very fun updates....

1. I signed up for this:

woohoo!! This will be my third half and my goal for this is to not puke!! Seriously, my first half I could barely move and puked. My second half I was good for two hours after and then I got in the car and then well, next came me yelling at my husband to pull over and well you can use your imagination for the rest.

Sooooo, I will finish and I will not puke!! Great Goal :) but I am pumped! 8 mile training run this week! Bring it on!!!

2. I am participating in Mama Laughlin's 8 week challenge. Basically, I took pics (ugh, in a bathing suite!) and measurements and am going to be clean eating for 8 weeks! I can do it, I can do it!! I want to win that prize. Not sure what the prize really is but know if it's coming from her it's got to be good one!! Here are my week one before pics and stats.

Body Fat: 31%
Weight: 172
Hips: 38"
Bust: 36"
L Bicep: 11.5"
R Bicep: 11.75"
L Thigh: 24"
R Thigh: 24.5"
L Quad: 17.5"
R Quad: 18"
L Calf: 16"
R Calf: 16.75"

3.My six year old is signed up for his first real races. It's a kids running series and oh my he is nothing like his mama. It's so incredibly effortless for him and he is a natural. I could not believe how proud he was when he finished his first one in 3rd place!!! Say what??? My kiddo came in 3rd!! It's a series of 5 races and they get points based on their place and at the end they are tallied up and given their medals. I hope he wins something good :)

Anywho....I will be updating more!!!!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Five on Friday

Just some updates about what's happening on my end.....

1. Tomorrow is my first day at my new salon, and I hate being the new girl. Being at my last place for 5 years I was cool as a cucumber and now I feel like the little peanut on the block!!

2. Super pumped that my six year old has got the runners bug! I let him run his first kids run and he did amazing and came in fourth! He was so excited I took him out and got him some new running shoes. He is all signed up for his kid run series. It's 5 Sundays and they get points based on their place. Can't wait!!

Good practice for them :)

3. I haven't weighed myself in 3 weeks and it feel gooooood!! There are days that I am just curious but I know if I get on it is going to be a direct reflection of my mood or motivation for the day! Think I'll keep on keepin on and see where I end up at the end of the month. But I know one thing, I feel strong and I love it!

4. Confession: My food intake has been no bueno :( I made my menu and shopping list or the week and an going to be clean, clean, clean next week. Well, until Saturday where we are attending a party with lots o green beer and yummies. Hey, have to celebrate being Irish! Well, maybe I was Irish in my previous life :)

5.I have two runs coming up in April! Another 5k to support Autism and a 10K for Brain Cancer Awareness. I told myself that I really only want to do races that support a good cause. There has been a lot of controversy around here about a race director (who I have done his races) not doing the right thing with his money. The more I looked into I realized that he does nothing for our community! There was never a good cause my money was going to except for directly to his pocket. So here is to a year of charity races!! Yahoo!!!
Happy Happy Friday!!


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

How am I ever going to be a blogge? and race review

This bloggy thing is HARD, I thought "hey I read these thins all damn day so it shouldn't be an issue to write it". Right? ummmm, no. It's one thing to read and another thing to write.

When I started going to the gym and losing weight I has so many accountability partners. You know the kind that would text you all crazy if they didn't see you walk into that 8:30 class. I knew I had to be there, I knew people were waiting for me. Think that is what I need here on this blog! At least one follower, haha. That way I know what I am writing is getting read and that just maybe someone was gonna do a little click on my blog to read what I wrote. With that, I know in time if I keep on truckin it will be worth it in the end!
In other news! I had a PR at the YMCA 5k! It's been months since I have run a timed/race 5k and I was really excited to do it. I had a PR of 31.35 woohoo, that was a 10:10 mile. Might not be fast for some people but that shit was fast for me and I was pumped!! One of my goals this year is to actually place in a race. I know I have a long road ahead of me on that one since I was a few minutes off from the 3rd place winner but I am all about it!! I did come in 6th in my age category  so that was a fun little fact. Here are some pics from the run!!

SO there was a guy next to me in this pic that was trying to pass me up ummmm hells no!! I beat him by 2 seconds. Girls rule, boys drool!!!!

Happy Wednesday!!!


Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I decided to concentrate on my body rather than the scale and needed a bit of motivation today so wanted to look back on where I was and am now! Just a couple pics!

My older son and I
Anywho, with that. I'm off to lift some weights!!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Five on Friday

Happy Happy Valentine's Day
1. We are staying in tonight and having a family vday celebration! Hubby and I have a hard time going out battling to get a table that we could normally get any other day. So steaks and veggies and homemade chocolate dipped strawberries it it! Plus we always eat senior citizen style with these kiddos and I can have more wine at home :)
2. I am in transition to finding a new salon to move over to. At this moment I am working out of town and have about a 25 minute commute. I really want to work in my home town close to my kiddos, so I am stressing on that at the moment.
3. I have officially broken up with the scale and I'm kind of liking it. I have always said I needed it to keep track of where I am but that damn thing gets trickier and trickier the more weight you loose. I asked my husband over a week ago to hide it but every time I walk in the bathroom, there it is staring at me and I stare right back at it and have a debate in my head about why I should be standing on it! So far it's been a win for me and I walk right back out!
4. I have two upcoming races I am signing up for, a 5k that it happening in a couple of weeks and a 10k in April. I'm super excited for these because I have been training so much for my half's this last year I really haven't had the time to run any of these smaller races. They are always fast, flat and fun!!
5. The hubby is out of town next week so it should be a fairly good week of eating. I always find it easier to be a bit healthier when he is not here because I don't really cook myself dinner. I get the boys ready and then throw something together for myself. Usually just some type op chicken and veggies type of dish. I'm going to post my What I ate Wednesday this week and hopefully still not step on that scale by the end of next week!!
Happy Friday!!


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Gym in Review

There was a time in my life where I was straight up scared of the gym. I might of walked in one a couple of times with the attempt to get my workout on but bottom line that sh%$$5 was intimidating. I mean it seems to me that most people going to the gym and wearing their little shorty shorts are pretty much already healthy and looking goooood. But then I joined my beloved YMCA and after 3 years still love it. The families, the members and the trainers are what make it the gym I love. The childcare has watched my baby since he was 10 weeks and could bring him and now he is 3 1/2. Awww time flies. So anywho wanted to recap some of my fav classes!


"I'm here to pump you up" okayyy so this is the class I owe everything too! Seriously, this was the one that I walked into hid in the back of the room and could mildly blend in. I loved it because everyone could work at their own level and move up as they needed. I built muscle and from that lost weight and was able to do other classes I didn't think possible! I love me some Body Pump!


I went to cycle when I first joined the Y and could not make it through the whole class. I was a mess and a bit discouraged. After 2 months of Body Pump and getting some strength in my legs a friend got me to head back in there and I did. I loved it!! I felt strong and powerful and my favorite sweaty! I love some sweat and wear it proudly. My gym just got new bikes and oh lala they are smooth and I love them!!


This is a newer class being offered, it has been there about 4 months but OMG I freaking love it. If I could take it everyday I would. It's a high intensity interval training and a damn good workout. I sweat, sweat, sweat and sweat some more. It's also only 45 minutes so I try and get a couple mile run in before for my warm-up and pairing the two together makes me happy!

So there are a few of my favorites. The gym offers more that I might do once in awhile but these three are always on my weekly plan!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Weekend Recap

Happy Monday!

Well Saturday was the big Run Or Dye we all signed up for. I know it has been quite the big hype but wasn't sure how I actually felt about it but it was going to be my sisters first 5K so I wanted to be there to support her,

We got up bright and early because we wanted to be one of the first runners and with the venue change (that they made 2 weeks prior) they were going to bus us in! I know this venue because we often camp there. I knew we would be on trails and well I am definitely not a trail runner. We arrived in the town about 8:00 with hopes to jump on a bus and head on up. Well those hopes were quickly squashed when we stood in line for approximately an hour and 45 minutes until they finally realized, oh sh%$$ there were no buses coming! They sent in reinforcements and we finally made it up the hill.

All of us were already on edge from the wait that we walked right over and jumped in the start line. Then everything redeemed itself. We had fun waiting to be released, music and energy were great and then off we went....and then I hear someone say " You lost your wallet", huh...I look back and my sisters wallet was in her hand. Her dry bag, same as the one we all had. the on one THEY gave us had a hole in it and everything was falling out the bottom. So lets just say her new iphone was nowhere to be found and it made for a very long and stressful 2.08 mike!! Yes, I say 2.08 because that is all the course was!! They didn't even give us a 5k course, not even close!! grrrr We finished up and thank god a nice young girl had my sisters phone!! woohoo. Once again the day redeemed herself.

We headed back over to the buses and that's when things got crazy!! I'm serious, crazy like the hunger games!
People were straight up fighting to get out of that place, there were not enough buses and way to many people!! We finally made a joint decision to jump on a different color bus and hope it took us somewhere close. Well. once looking at the map, we were WAY off. Not even close to where we needed to be, so we decided to send our most smooth talking friend to the front of the bus to smooze the driver. It worked, we gave him a little tippy tip and there we were back to safety and headed to lunch and beer! Seriously, we really earned the beer after that morning!
Sunday was a lazy day. I ran my little guy to soccer pictures and spent the rest of the day drinking my water and finishing up a project! I'm pretty proud of this one, I would keep it if I had enough room but I don't so does anyone want to buy it? (:




Thursday, February 6, 2014

What I've learned about friends

I think this is one of those post where you actually get to put it all out there and let people know how you feel. I struggle with friendships. Always feeling like I give, give give and then often times not getting anything back. I am a extremely loyal friend and also wear my heart on my sleeve and my feelings get hurt easily. I think one thing I have learned through this health transformation is to just go day by day and don't let people get you down

After having my second son and weighing about a miserable 255 I had lots of mommy friends. I think we could all relate to being bigger, tired and well new moms. We would often get together and do the playgroup thing and eat and drink coffee. Don't get me wrong, I loved it. My kids loved it and I truly got to experience the stay at home mom life. Then something happened, I joined the gym, I met new friends that could relate to me, where I was going and motivate me along the way.

I think the hard part was I changed, I changed for the better, I gained confidence, I learned a lot about myself and I was happy. I know I became a different person, one that could run with her kids and swing them around without feeling winded. I guess what I am saying is I lost many of those mommy friends and I am still not sure what to think about it. I still did meet ups, still went to girls nights but slower and slower I wasn't invited to things anymore. My "new" friends became my rocks and who I went to.

I live in a small town and still see all of these ladies, I still connect with many of them but it's just different, So I guess one thing I have learned is people are in your life for a reason. New friends to help you through having a newborn and being a new stay at home mom, to new friends that help you to stay motivated and lift you up, then there are your forever friends who are there for everything. Through health, life and to have a glass of wine with you when things just don't go as planned! These are the friends I hold close to my heart, ones that I love dearly.

I think women and friendships are hard, we all know we can be mean, and just plain ugly but when you find good ones stick with them and for me I need to let go of the past and move forward. Hopefully some of them can do the same :)


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

So What Wednesday


So what if I am on my 4th cup of coffee this morning and even though I have a nasty head cold feel like running laps around my house. I'm sure this caffeine crash will catch up with me sooner or later.

So what if I totally lost my Dietbet. waahwahh. I am pretty bummed about it but I know why I didn't win and it may or may of not been this guys grilling all super bowl weekend and possibly a carb loaded beer or two! Thanks babe!! There goes my fun money for a canister of Spark :(

So what if I totally sneak buying clothes sometimes and try to pass it off as though I already had them. I bought a new pair of boots and my hubby totally called me out on it! But come on.....these are stinkin cute!


So what if i'm a hairstylist and haven't got my hair done in over 3 months. I mean, these roots just add character. Totally give me a complex but all hairdressers know we are usually last to get our hair done! Leave it up to a small comment on Facebook about this pic to lift my spirits. Why thank you for the "I love your hair" comment :)


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sick and tired of being sick and tired


this time of year when it seems like you can't catch a break. A couple weeks ago it was croup and strep throat and now some kind of a stomach bug and colds. This house needs to get better already. I find it extremely hard to be "healthy" and eat healthy when I feel like this. I think it is one of the most challenging parts. I ask my husband to make dinner and well what's a man to do.....pick up take out.

Anywho on with the week plans, even though it's Tuesday we were on full recovery mode yesterday.
I am taking one more rest day with my sick baby boy then back in the game tomorrow.

Wednesday: 3 mile run
Thursday: Body pump and spin class
Friday: 4 mile run
Saturday: RUN OR DYE 5K

This will be me on Saturday for my first ever colorful run. I know it's all the rage right now so I thought I would jump on the bandwagon. This will be me on Saturday!

Followed by a whole lot of this I'm sure!!

I love me a good ecard and laughs with my girls after runs. Stay tuned tomorrow for So What Wednesday (actually on a Wednesday)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

I guess they call this So What Wednesday...just on a Thursday

Yes, I know it's Thursday. Still getting use to this blog every day thing :)

1. So what if I was a ex preschool teacher and take it out on my kids.....then they are sent to school with the most obnoxious Valentine crafts. Thank you Pinterest.



2. So what if I made this mistake combo last night and spent way to long in the bathroom, ayyyy. Note to self. Don't run and drink kambucha after!. No Bueno!

3. So what if I could care less about who's in the Superbowl but care more about the food, drinks and friends were going to be seeing!!
4. So what if I am doing the Run Or Dye in a couple of weeks and am just eh about it. I guess it's that it's not being timed and there is no way I am wearing my sportswatch and having it get blasted with color. I think it will make for a very colorful photo op.
5. So what if I have worked out 5 days in a row and haven't seen the scale move at all. I am totally breaking up with that damn scale after my diet bet is over and focusing on inches!!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Why I'm afraid to be a blogger

I have read blogs for majority of my healthy living journey. I found them to be motivational and they often gave me inspiration to keep on keeping on. I have started my blog 3 maybe 4 times and it took me a long time to decide I was going to start one that I actually made public, start one that people would actually see. It seems that with blogging there has to be transparency you have to be able to put yourself out there and have a bit of confidence in what your saying. The thing that scares me the most about blogging......

Mean Girls!!!
Often times while reading blogs I go to comment and am saddened that people would actually post something negative on a bloggers post. I mean, I don't really get it . If there is a person/ blog that you don't necessarily agree with then why are you reading it? Why put out so much anger and hate to another person who is more than likely fighting there own battle? Often times I find myself not 100% agreeing with another person but that's just it. I think to myself  "ok, I don't think the same" and move on. I don't waste my time trying to belittle or hurt feelings. I am extremely scared to put anything out there about my kids. I have seen the nasty comments people make about others and there choices as mothers. The fact of the matter is, we are all different and all choose different lifestyles and ways to raise our children.
I think what has taken me so long to make this blog public is that I don't want to be judged, I don't want to be ridiculed and often it is easier to just hide. I look at all these amazing women/ bloggers and their success stories and I think to myself how brave they are to put themselves out there. Put things up about themselves and their personal journeys. 
I am choosing to make this blog public to be empowered, to find people with similarities and build each other up. I read daily and look forward to seeing other peoples blogs, much of what I hope will happen in return with this blog! 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday Morning Weekend Review

Morning Monday!

Pretty eventful weekend here at the Feller casa! I thought it would be pretty quiet. I went to work Saturday morning and was home after lunchtime. As some of you may know California is in crisis. We haven't seen rain in months. I'm not complaining since I love the same weather year around here but I know we need it!! So put the kiddos and husband in shorts and flip flops and headed to get some froyo and park play in.

Froyo was a success as always, and then the dreaded park hit. Or shall I say those damn monkey bars hit! Literally my son hit them with his face and on comes the blood! He managed to knock out one baby tooth, completely chip one of his brand new front ones and bust open his lip. At first we though he bit through it but after a trip to the urgent care I am happy to report we were a mm away from him needing stitches. So now with a bit of a busted ego we are off today to the dentist to get that tooth fixed!! Ayayaya boys!!

After 4 hours of chaos the afternoon before I knew I needed to get out and get a run in! I was a stress case and decided a run was what might make me feel better. I got up Sunday had one cup of coffee my regular pre run banana and peanut butter and hit the trail. I planned on 6 and that's exactly what I did! It felt amazing and I loved the weather and all the people out. I think one of my favorite things about running is passing all the other runners coming the other way and waving at them. We all acknowledge each other as if were in some kind of secret club. Sometimes I get the head nod nut I always give the one hand wave! This was the first time I had run more than 5 since my half marathon in December and it was great! I think my happy places on runs is somewhere between 6-7 miles. It feels good and I still feel good enough to go about my day, plus the calorie burn is nice too! This run was slowwwww but I like to think slow and steady wins the (personal) race.

Plans this week, we are headed out for super bowl Sunday weekend to stay at a friends house so I know my Sunday run is not going to happen. I usually have my rest day on Wednesday but plan to work out Mon-Fri this week and take Sat and Sun off. Meal prep is going to happen today so I will post some pics of what I came up with. Happy, happy Monday!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Evolution of a runner

So it took me a long time to be able to say that I am a runner, I think in a round about way I still don't really think of myself as one. I mean I run and have run races but when I see people out there every day running circles around me it can be a bit defeating. My husband posted something on my Facebook the other day and well, it really made me smile!

The first two are so heart pounding true! I am not the same as anybody and I have worked my butt off (literally) to be able and say I AM A RUNNER!!
I took up running for fun/ social aspect of a 5K. I had always heard about them and I really wanted to try. My first one was a Mud Run and let me tell you, that s#@t was hard, Not only was it a mud run but a military style obstacle course. Oh my, my, my..luckily I drug my husband with me and well I was hooked!
This was me high fiving my family and kiddos. They were there to support me along the way. I did a few other 5K's and finally talked my best girlfriend into joining me on one, and well the rest is history. She was hooked too and not only on the 5k but then 10k's and something I never thought was possible, 2 half marathons!!
Here are some pics for funsies :)

Here is at the finish of my last half!
Nest week I'll post some running "necessities" that I <3
Happy Thursday