Thursday, January 30, 2014

I guess they call this So What Wednesday...just on a Thursday

Yes, I know it's Thursday. Still getting use to this blog every day thing :)

1. So what if I was a ex preschool teacher and take it out on my kids.....then they are sent to school with the most obnoxious Valentine crafts. Thank you Pinterest.



2. So what if I made this mistake combo last night and spent way to long in the bathroom, ayyyy. Note to self. Don't run and drink kambucha after!. No Bueno!

3. So what if I could care less about who's in the Superbowl but care more about the food, drinks and friends were going to be seeing!!
4. So what if I am doing the Run Or Dye in a couple of weeks and am just eh about it. I guess it's that it's not being timed and there is no way I am wearing my sportswatch and having it get blasted with color. I think it will make for a very colorful photo op.
5. So what if I have worked out 5 days in a row and haven't seen the scale move at all. I am totally breaking up with that damn scale after my diet bet is over and focusing on inches!!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Why I'm afraid to be a blogger

I have read blogs for majority of my healthy living journey. I found them to be motivational and they often gave me inspiration to keep on keeping on. I have started my blog 3 maybe 4 times and it took me a long time to decide I was going to start one that I actually made public, start one that people would actually see. It seems that with blogging there has to be transparency you have to be able to put yourself out there and have a bit of confidence in what your saying. The thing that scares me the most about blogging......

Mean Girls!!!
Often times while reading blogs I go to comment and am saddened that people would actually post something negative on a bloggers post. I mean, I don't really get it . If there is a person/ blog that you don't necessarily agree with then why are you reading it? Why put out so much anger and hate to another person who is more than likely fighting there own battle? Often times I find myself not 100% agreeing with another person but that's just it. I think to myself  "ok, I don't think the same" and move on. I don't waste my time trying to belittle or hurt feelings. I am extremely scared to put anything out there about my kids. I have seen the nasty comments people make about others and there choices as mothers. The fact of the matter is, we are all different and all choose different lifestyles and ways to raise our children.
I think what has taken me so long to make this blog public is that I don't want to be judged, I don't want to be ridiculed and often it is easier to just hide. I look at all these amazing women/ bloggers and their success stories and I think to myself how brave they are to put themselves out there. Put things up about themselves and their personal journeys. 
I am choosing to make this blog public to be empowered, to find people with similarities and build each other up. I read daily and look forward to seeing other peoples blogs, much of what I hope will happen in return with this blog! 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday Morning Weekend Review

Morning Monday!

Pretty eventful weekend here at the Feller casa! I thought it would be pretty quiet. I went to work Saturday morning and was home after lunchtime. As some of you may know California is in crisis. We haven't seen rain in months. I'm not complaining since I love the same weather year around here but I know we need it!! So put the kiddos and husband in shorts and flip flops and headed to get some froyo and park play in.

Froyo was a success as always, and then the dreaded park hit. Or shall I say those damn monkey bars hit! Literally my son hit them with his face and on comes the blood! He managed to knock out one baby tooth, completely chip one of his brand new front ones and bust open his lip. At first we though he bit through it but after a trip to the urgent care I am happy to report we were a mm away from him needing stitches. So now with a bit of a busted ego we are off today to the dentist to get that tooth fixed!! Ayayaya boys!!

After 4 hours of chaos the afternoon before I knew I needed to get out and get a run in! I was a stress case and decided a run was what might make me feel better. I got up Sunday had one cup of coffee my regular pre run banana and peanut butter and hit the trail. I planned on 6 and that's exactly what I did! It felt amazing and I loved the weather and all the people out. I think one of my favorite things about running is passing all the other runners coming the other way and waving at them. We all acknowledge each other as if were in some kind of secret club. Sometimes I get the head nod nut I always give the one hand wave! This was the first time I had run more than 5 since my half marathon in December and it was great! I think my happy places on runs is somewhere between 6-7 miles. It feels good and I still feel good enough to go about my day, plus the calorie burn is nice too! This run was slowwwww but I like to think slow and steady wins the (personal) race.

Plans this week, we are headed out for super bowl Sunday weekend to stay at a friends house so I know my Sunday run is not going to happen. I usually have my rest day on Wednesday but plan to work out Mon-Fri this week and take Sat and Sun off. Meal prep is going to happen today so I will post some pics of what I came up with. Happy, happy Monday!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Evolution of a runner

So it took me a long time to be able to say that I am a runner, I think in a round about way I still don't really think of myself as one. I mean I run and have run races but when I see people out there every day running circles around me it can be a bit defeating. My husband posted something on my Facebook the other day and well, it really made me smile!

The first two are so heart pounding true! I am not the same as anybody and I have worked my butt off (literally) to be able and say I AM A RUNNER!!
I took up running for fun/ social aspect of a 5K. I had always heard about them and I really wanted to try. My first one was a Mud Run and let me tell you, that s#@t was hard, Not only was it a mud run but a military style obstacle course. Oh my, my, my..luckily I drug my husband with me and well I was hooked!
This was me high fiving my family and kiddos. They were there to support me along the way. I did a few other 5K's and finally talked my best girlfriend into joining me on one, and well the rest is history. She was hooked too and not only on the 5k but then 10k's and something I never thought was possible, 2 half marathons!!
Here are some pics for funsies :)

Here is at the finish of my last half!
Nest week I'll post some running "necessities" that I <3
Happy Thursday

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What I Ate Wednesday.....really Tuesday :)

Brief little somethin' somethin' on what I ate Tuesday. Husband is out of town for four days and OMG my little man got sick, fever croup andddddd strep throat!! Ahhhhh
So here it it,,,,
Breakfast: One egg one egg white scrambled with one cup fresh spinach and one TJ's chicken sausage. Topped with fresh salsa and of course a big ol' cup o Joe with unsweetened vanilla almond milk.
Snack: Half a large gala apple with one tablespoon TJ's organic peanut butter
Lunch: Mixed greens, chopped apple, chicken and blue cheese crumbles with some TJ's champagne pear vinaigrette!
Afternoon snack: This was a tad different than I would usually do my afternoon snack but being up with a sick kiddo all night I needed a little afternoon pick me up. So I literally picked the Starbucks coffee up while waiting for prescriptions at the pharmacy and the Popchips just happen to be in my car, but I do love me some Popchips! So tahdah, snack!!
Dinner: One of my usual staples: Romaine, sautéed peppers and onions, chicken and brown rice all topped with Sriracha and fresh salsa.
Just a little victory on my sugar intake....while being stuck at home and practically pulling my hair out I whipped the boys up some banana nut muffins! ugh, has to be the best thing ever to smell and well, I didn't even touch them. Score!
Happy happy Wednesday, I'm off to run a quick 5K before I work in my sons classroom, Sorry teach for the sweat but gotta get that workout in somehow!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Trader Joes Fab Four

Just a little review on some of my favorite finds at Trader Joes. I do about 95% of my shopping there and the other 5% is from Target. I find that I can always count on knowing what I can find there and that there is no artificial colors/flavors/preservatives. I try to keep those out of my kiddos diets as well as my own. We are human and you bet we eat out, grab ice cream or just decide that mama is just to damn tired to cook and we are ordering pizza! Here are a few of my favorites and I will post more next week too!!
1. Candied Pecans
I love these little sweet babies! They are soooo yummy and are the perfect mix of crunchy and sweet. I use them in my salads but just be careful they are nuts and you need to make sure you are having one serving and not the whole bag!!
2. Spicy Jalapeno Sausage
Yum, yum, yum. I love these things. At only 100 calories a pop I often throw one in my morning egg white scramble or just eat one for lunch dipped in spicy mustard. Seriously...get in my belly!
3. Champagne Pear Vinaigrette
Simple yet adds just enough flavor. I love to eat on my salads but often will just dip my carrots in this bad boy. Only 45 calories for 2 TBS. SCORE!
4. Salsa
I love me some salsa. Seriously I eat it on eggs, salad, by the spoonful :) It's fresh and delicious. Often times I don't want the calories that come around with dressings so this is the perfect thing. It's a must have staple!
I'm having a really hard time trying to detox myself off sugar after these holidays. I was doing so well and then started eating and well am now paying for that. So I did some shopping today and made sure not to add the Dark Chocolate peanut butter cups to my basket like I did last week. I think I can...I think I can....
Happy Tuesday!! xo

Monday, January 20, 2014

Just another manic Monday

Happy Monday!!

I have a little guy battling a fever so looks like there is no gym for me today. Plan to do something tonight after my kiddos are fast asleep. Coming up on the blog this week!!

What I have learned through running

What I ate Wednesday

Thursday Trader Joes Favorites

Friday Weigh in!!

I am having a hard time finding full body pics of when I was heavier. I know that I often didn't want them. I remember more times than not asking for the pics to be chest and up. Some of the only pics I have are from my wedding and uggghhh I wish I had that day to do over again, based purely on the fact that I was not feeling good about myself or feeling pretty. Every bride should feel pretty on their wedding day dammit!! I keep telling my hubby that when we hit our 10 year (in 5 more years) that I want a redo. Our wedding was small and I want to have a big ol' party to celebrate life, love and healthiness. I'm posting a pic of my wedding day and one of me yesterday before my friends baby bump brunch!!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Five on Friday

Hey Hey guys and Dolls!

I am trying to get all set up over at bloglovin and think it was finally a success!! Woo hoo, Here is the link to follow

 <a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Going to try and keep up with this five on Friday as well as my weigh ins (which will start next Fri) so here we go!!

1. Workin workin workin
I often work Saturdays being a stylist and find that it is more times than not easier for me to eat healthy. I always bring my food and when I get to eat its there! Boom done! The hard part is I never work out on days I work. FAIL!! I don't know what I would do if I had to work 5 days. I give props to all you hard a## workin mamas that sweat it out at the gym too!!
2. It's sports time
With two little mongrels sports are a given around here. I will start running from soccer to baseball back to soccer, and don't forget Thursday gymnastics. This is the first time that both are playing sports so wish me luck and say a little prayer for me because I have been told it only gets more chaotic.
3. Sunday funday
 is often that; my cheat day. Whomp whomp and man when I cheat it's always a doozy. This Sunday I'm hosting a baby bump brunch at my favorite Mexican food restaurant. Buffet and bottomless mimosas all around. I'm afraid.....very afraid... Control is everything and I will not undo all the hard work I put in over the week!
4. Run or Dye
My run or dye race is in 4 weeks and they just changed the location!! I am a fair weather runner and they moved it from by the beach to the straight up hills!! Uggghhhhhh. Glad I am running with my sister. This is her first one so i'm making sure to stay with and give her some support!
5. Hubby Travels
My husband often travels for work and will be gone Sunday- Thursday this week. I often do well on weeks he is not here because I don't cook. lol. I often make the kiddos some dinner and throw something together for myself, eggs, salad something simple. We will see how it goes this week and i'll post on What I ate Wednesday about my food choices when he is gone!
Have a fantabulous Weekend!!


<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

Just getting all set up over at Bloglovin. Stay tuned!!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New Year....again

I will reach my goal this year....I will reach my goal this year. This is my 3rd year at this healthy living thing and the third time I have started this blog. I have never been brave enough to actually make it public but after complaining to my husband that I needed a new computer to blog he finally got me one and shut me up :) So on that note I need to get my butt in gear and actually start this thing! So here we go 2014 goals go something like this:
  1. Lose the last 15lbs. to hit my "Goal" This is a goal that I set 3 years ago when I started this process. I no longer look at weight as such an important factor. I realize that being "fit" rather than "skinny" is much more important but being 150 would put me at a great BMI for my weight and it has always been a goal for me that I know I will hit this year.
  2. Finish a 5K in under 30 minutes. My best 5K time so far was 33 minutes so that is almost a minute a mile faster. While last year I focused on doing a half marathon (I completed 2) I would love, love, love to place in a race :)
  3. Be a size 6!!! Woot woot!! I think I can, I think I can!
I took a bit of a 3 week break with the holidays and my.....dunt dunt dunt....BIG 30 birthday but I am back at the gym this week, back lifting weights, and back to clean eating. Hells yes, this will be my YEAR!!
SW: 167 (where I am currently after the holiday and all that damn chocolate and wine!!)
GW: 165 (Where I will be on my weigh in Friday)

And just for funsies here is a pic of me the first time I started a blog and one now!