Wednesday, March 5, 2014

How am I ever going to be a blogge? and race review

This bloggy thing is HARD, I thought "hey I read these thins all damn day so it shouldn't be an issue to write it". Right? ummmm, no. It's one thing to read and another thing to write.

When I started going to the gym and losing weight I has so many accountability partners. You know the kind that would text you all crazy if they didn't see you walk into that 8:30 class. I knew I had to be there, I knew people were waiting for me. Think that is what I need here on this blog! At least one follower, haha. That way I know what I am writing is getting read and that just maybe someone was gonna do a little click on my blog to read what I wrote. With that, I know in time if I keep on truckin it will be worth it in the end!
In other news! I had a PR at the YMCA 5k! It's been months since I have run a timed/race 5k and I was really excited to do it. I had a PR of 31.35 woohoo, that was a 10:10 mile. Might not be fast for some people but that shit was fast for me and I was pumped!! One of my goals this year is to actually place in a race. I know I have a long road ahead of me on that one since I was a few minutes off from the 3rd place winner but I am all about it!! I did come in 6th in my age category  so that was a fun little fact. Here are some pics from the run!!

SO there was a guy next to me in this pic that was trying to pass me up ummmm hells no!! I beat him by 2 seconds. Girls rule, boys drool!!!!

Happy Wednesday!!!


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